Taurus II Robot: Bomb Disposal Robot


Taurus Robot, Taurus

Taurus II Robot is a bomb disposal robot provides bomb squad operators fine motor control in a compact frame. To intercept and defuse devices, the robot relays high-definition 3D images and tactile feedback to a technician from a safe distance. Inside the headset, the user gazes through the robot’s magnifying lenses and sees virtual icons that show what actions they can take with the Oculus Touch controllers. The VR system can also provide haptic feedback via the controllers.


Weight 6.8 kg
max. Payload 1.8 kg
Width 38.1 cm
Battery Life 7 hrs
Avr. Power 60 W


  • Country: USA 
  • Company: SRI International

Keywords:  robot, robotic, robotic news, news, Taurus robot, Taurus, cfp

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