Peeqo Robot: The GIF Robot

Peeqo has a limited human vocabulary but is a surprisingly rich communicator. He does standard Google/Alexa stuff – loading up Spotify, turning off your lights – but almost every interaction is followed by a clever GIF. You can play music on him and even start his camera so he can record your existential howl as you realize GIFs are now a form of rich communication.
Singh is the founder of Svrround, a 360-degree video startup. He is open sourcing Peeqo and he built the robot after integrating the engineering, software, and hardware education he received in school. He calls Peeqo the “love child of Amazon Echo and a Disney character.” It’s clear that as we wander further into the uncanny valley robots like Peeqo will become commonplace. While I can’t imagine Alexa responding with a Whiplash GIF it’s easy to imagine a world in which your desk robot yells at you to get back to work when it senses you’re back on Reddit. You can see the DIY build here and check him out here. He’s completely open source so you’ll be able to cry about the death of the 21st century mind in the comfort of your own home after you assemble your own Peeqo out of grief, horror, and 3D printed plastic.
- Country: India
- Company: Abhishek Singh