CR200 robot: Six-Legged Robot Crabster


Developed by the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), the Crabster offers a solution to a longstanding problem. While propeller-driven craft do not work well in fierce tides, and divers are limited to calm, relatively shallow seas, the new machine mimics the design of crabs and lobsters that live in stormy waters but are still able to control their movements. The Crabster is 2.4m long, 2.4m wide and 1.3m tall -- rising to 1.8m when it stands up. Including payload it weighs around 650 kg, and its six legs contain 30 motors, giving the remote pilot ample control and dexterity. As the Crabster creeps along the ocean floor, it can adapt its posture to different current or pressure conditions, to a depth of around 200 meters. Using sonar, it scans the landscape for objects of interest, and can relay images through onboard cameras.


Weight 600 kg
Height 1.3 m
max. Depth 200 m


  • Country: South Korea 
  • Company: KIOST

Labels:  Six Legged  -  Industrial Robots  - 
Keywords:  robot, robotic, robotic news, news, cr200 robot, cr200, industrial robot, industrial

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