Simba Robot: Smart Modular Robot


Simba Robot, Simba

Simba Robot is a smart modular robot that modular continuum arm has independent actuation units for each module, to increase maintainability, a soft reconfigurable hand, for a better adaptation of the fingers to objects of different shapes and size, and a moving base for increasing the work-space. The SIMBA (Soft Compliant Manipulator for Broad Applications) manipulator can grasp and manipulate by grasping objects with different fragility, geometry, and size up to 2 kg. Simba robot has three main hardware components: 

  • a soft gripper for grasping
  • a modular soft continuum arm for bending, lifting, and in general for performing manipulation
  • a prismatic slider for forward or backward movements 

Arm and gripper are tendon-driven mechanisms actuated by DC gear motors, and both these robot components incorporate reconfigurability in their design, a feature that improves grasping and manipulation in unstructured environments.

Specifications (Simba Robot)

Weight 150 gr
Length 18 cm
Diameter 6 cm
Actuators DC gear motors
Microcontroller PIC32MX150F128B from Microchip Inc


  • Country: Italy 
  • Company: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Keywords:  robot, robotic, robotic news, news, simba robot, simba, modular robot, cfp

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